0 Little Love Little Love

The Wildlife Companion

Project Animalia

Helping the beings that we share the planet with but not give them the equal resources.


Avani Paliwal
Samridhi Neema





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Helping Animals by Providing
The Equal Half Of The Earth

We start pushing other species out of the way, and we sometimes don’t realize that the impact felt by those other species has terrible and sometimes deadly consequences so, Project Animalia works for the welfare of stray animals. Feeding them, supporting them, helping them in extreme conditions, taking care of them, and giving them what they deserve is what this project exists for.

Animalia is much more than a project for me. It is an opportunity to help our furry friends in need. Little Love is a family who not only cares for humans but also other living beings around and I feel so lucky to be a part of it and do my bit to collectively make a huge difference.

Avni Paliwal

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